July 27, 2024

Dr Pablo Campra on weird elements seen in the samples

Prof Dr Pablo Campra in an interview on EL Arconte about the weird elements found in the "vaccine" samples, besides graphene. Video in spanish, english subtitles

Dr. Pablo Campra has been interviewed by different media to date. In each of the interviews, he has provided valuable information regarding his research on the real content of vaccines. A very interesting interview was the one he gave for El Arconte TV. In this interview, Dr. Pablo Campra talked about the possible microbiota that he detected some time ago and whose photographs he shared at the time.

In the interview, Dr. Campra shared his hypotheses about what the detected objects may be. While there's uncertainty with some of them, the doctor holds a hypothesis that he'll continue to share in other media: graphene Morgellons.

Orwell City brings the key excerpt of the interview for all his followers and the scientific community interested in this topic.
English transcript on Orwell City
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Last modified on Tuesday, 30 November 2021 18:38

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